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23.06.2010 14:21 - Доклад на д-р инж. Богомил Великов Колев на международен конгрес публикуван в Атина ГЪрция
Автор: bogomil Категория: Технологии   
Прочетен: 6322 Коментари: 20 Гласове:

PRODUCTION OF NEW HIGH STRENGTH AUSTENITE CAST ALLOYS Kolev B.V. (Institute of Metal Science-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria) 1. Introduction A problem of high interest in the present development of engineering is the production of cast alloys of the austenite class that have higher values of the relative yield strength (ao2)- The values of ao2 of classical austenite cast steels of the Hatfield type C110Mnl2 are low (up to 35-40. 107 Pa) [1]. The values of OQ2 in the classical Cr-Ni austenite cast alloys of the Crl8Ni9Ti type are lower [2]. Of all methods for strengthening (martensite transformation, cold deformation,   explosive strengthening, thermomechanical and thermocyclic treatment, aging, intermetal strengthening etc.) the most efficient one is alloying [1-3]. Of the solid solution - forming elements academics until recently utilized only.Jhe properties of C as an austenite-stabilizing element. The properties of N, however, also present a particular interest [4-7]. As a result many valuable properties    of alloys are obtained [3]. C and N may be used not only as substitutes for expensive and deficient elements (Co, Ni, Mn, Cu, Zn etc.) as well as austenitisators and stabilizsators of the y-solid solution, but also as elements increasing mechanical characteristics. In other works on the same subject usually present results of studies on mechanical characteristics after deformation of stainless steels in the Fe-Cr-Ni-N, Fe-Cr-Mn-N, Fe-Cr-Mn-Ni-N systems generally containing C below 0,1%. If for the stainless austenite steels there are limits in C in terms of deformability, machining by cutting tools, corrosion resistance etc. in the better part of the cases with cast alloys those ;• limits fall off. On the other hand, the attempt to transfer the results from the deformable to the cast steels is very risky because of the differences in structure formation. Apart from several studies of the author, there are almost no other data about the possibility of combined use of C and N for strengthening the basic Cr-Mn austenite"[3-7,9-11]. There are no data about cast alloys with v above - equilibrium content of N when Cr is below 12-14%, as well as about high - chromium ones above 14-16% and above 0.4-0.8% of C. There is lack of data about cast - iron in that system.The results are disclosed in Bulgarian ^PatentNo31141[10]. ?,".         2.Experimental Procedur.
The alloys are produced in an autodave [3, 9]. Specimens are niaci cast sample bodies with cutting 20 mm diameter. With the hard-treaTable cutting instruments alloys of the y+K(K-carbides)area[IOJ,au has been tej with microtest - glasses, prepared by machines for abrasive cutting, and iv| more easily treatable alloys of the y area - with macro test-glasses. The imp str.ength(ak) has been tested by standard specimens for steels with an upperc for cast iron without it. After crystallization in the mould the samples homogenized and quenched in water at 1150°C. N 3.Experimental Results and Discussion 3.1. Mechanic Characteristics of Cast Alloys Containing N from the
Area.                                                                                                               j
Steels of composition O,O9-1,45%C, < l%Si, up to 10-13%Mn, 3-14%Cr, 0,05-1%N, S, P < 0,1% in wt.% and austenite structure have been studied, FiJ I [4.I0J. Some of the steels have been additionally alloyed with V, Mo, Al, IJ|)I [10J Table 5. The nitrogen increases the value of crB by 4-6.107 Pa every 0,l%[ of N, Fig.2. Having in mind some similarities between C and N, an attempt lial been made to determine the influence of the ZC+N sum on oB and cro2 , (Fid 3). The obtained mathematical models and the results of the statistic analysis are shown in Table l,(Fig.3).The models are adequate to the experimental] results. The strengthening of the austenite can be realized by separately using! carbon(C) and nitrogen (N) or both together Z(C+N). The strengthening under! the influence of C and N and ZC+N leads to decrease in, the flexibility! characteristics [3-7], Table 2. Still, under the influence of N they are preserved] vyithin certain limits which are even higher towards C at equal content. With the! increase of C and Cr up to values when the y+K area is entered^the flexibility} characteristics sharply deteriorate by the degree of increase of the carbides j quantity and their change in shape, size, distribution, type, etc. Table 7-8, j (Fig.J) (3-7J, [14J. With the increase of holding time during hoinogenization j (I I5O°C) there is a trend for oq, a()2 fo decrease, (Table 3). The cast N -alloyed alloys of the y-area, (Fig.l) have higher mechanic characteristics than the austenite steels Crl8Ni9Ti and C110Mnl2 and after tests carried out at higher temperatures (Table 4) arj2 for Crl8Ni9Ti at 400°C is befchv 12-15. JO7 Pa, and for Cl 10Mnl2-below 10-12.107 Pa [1-2J. It has been J?»ved for the first time (an invention has been patented) that stabilizing effecN|f Al on thi* classical non-N alloyed austenite (Ni, Mn, Ni-Mn, Cr-Mn auSMHte) is also confirmed for the N-alloyed austenite [3, 6-7, 10J (Tables 5,6). fpprelative percentage of deterioration of the impact strength at negative tenipefljlyres a fief* the introduction of 1% Al decreases up to 50% (Table 6)[3,10J.        ..f" 434
Studies during the period of 1975-1987 have shown that the possibilities lor alloying with N, C, C+N are promising and bring some fundamental questions of material science [3-7,15-17]. There is no doubt about the fact that"the strengthening effect of C and N together or separately under different proportions C to N is much higher than that of the elements forming solid solutions of substitution. Studies of many years [3,10,4-7,12] show that the strengthening of austcnite irrespective of its nature (Mn, Ni, Cr-Ni-Mn, Cr^Ni, etc.) may be carried out several times more effectively, in comparison with the methods used now including alloying and with preservation of high flexibility characteristics at that using the properties of C, N, C+N, C/N [3-7, 15-17] of course proportions Mn/C, Mn/N, Mn/C+N, reps. Me/C+N are also important [3- 7] The yield strength ao2 ls a structurally sensitive property. The above mentioned qualitative and quantitative changes in the strength and flexibility characteristics may be explained by the similarities and differences in the. influence of C and N [3-8,10,15-18]: 1. C and N form solid solutions of introduction and deform the crystal lattice, they strengthen it. They settle in the interface surface in the energetically most favorable places: dislocations, defects in arrangement, doubles, grain like borders, inclusions. At equal concentration N induces smaller deformation in the lattice of y-solid solution than C, because the atomic radius of N is smaller than that of C [3]. Although C and N possess almost the same atomic radius and cause almost the same elastic deformations of the cubic lattice, austenite lattice, the influence on the electron structure of 3rd layer of the close Fe atoms is opposite: N increases and C decreases d -electron density on the crystal lographic directions y. This supposes higher degree of hardening and weaker temperature dependence of strength properties of N alloys (steels) than of C alloys. On the other hand, N sharply increases the number of defects in the arrangement, esp. under cold deformation (loading of specimens during strength tests). At equal concentrations of C and N nitrogen austenite is more flexible than carbon austenite because of the deference between them [3-7, 18J. This makes possible the obtaining of highly strong and highly flexible alloys up to higher N values in comparison with C. N is a stronger austenite stabilizer than C,hence, the eutectoid and eutectic points in the pure N alloys in the Fe-N and Fe-Me-N systems should be more to the right than those of pure C alloys in the Fe-C and Fe-Me-C systems. In the alloys containing C+N these points should occupy an intermediate position and should be determined by the proportions C/N.
2. The residual small-dispersion inclusions of C and N hinder the movement
dislocations after the Orovan mechanism.
3. Since carbides are thermodynamically more stable   than nitrides,        d
influence appears even at higher temperatures of heating for thermal processin»
4.. The N containing austenite has lower energy Јf defects in arrangement composition with the C austenite. The dislocations of the N-austenite are morel widely split, mobile and surround the arrangement defects (Fig. 5). 5.   C and N are donors of electrons, but N is more electronegative, i.e tfo»{
transfer of electrons in the N - solid solution is bigger than that of C. N changes!
the electron structure towards more precious metals [3-7].
6.   The strengthening effect of C and N is a result of the total influence of the]
two elements in interaction with C and N-forming elements of substitution. Iff
the proportion of carbon and nitrogen conten C/N » 1, so the influence of"C isf
decisive and the opposite -if proportion C/N «1, the influence of N is decisive."
7.       C .and N limit the movement of dislocations on one and the same surface-"!
usually the most thickly packed [111] (Fig.4). The tension of transition inf
another cross surface of sliding under the influence of C and N increases. This*
leads to increase in ag, o02 and to a considerable decrease of the flexibility (§5,^.


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23.11.2011 15:14
Классно, что Задорнов так отреагировал на информацию о гибели Каддафи. Эти дебилоиды добились прямо обратного результата, но зато показали себя во всей красе. … Это уже не юмор, а политика на все 100% и он на все 100% прав. НАТО - трусло, Каддафи - мужик! http://newstav.ru/community/groups/viewdiscussion/56----?groupid=24

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20. анонимен - Что думают об этом на Ставрополье. Каддафи, НАТО и др. пресмыкающиеся Задоронов о Каддафи и Нато.
14.12.2011 09:50
Классно, что Задорнов так отреагировал на информацию о гибели Каддафи. Эти дебилоиды добились прямо обратного результата, но зато показали себя во всей красе. … Это уже не юмор, а политика на все 100% и он на все 100% прав. НАТО - трусло, Каддафи - мужик! http://newstav.ru/community/groups/viewdiscussion/56----?groupid=24

Что думают об этом на Ставрополье:
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