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23.06.2010 08:18 - Екологичен доклад на д-р инж. Богомил Великов Колев изнесен и публикуван на международна конференция в София
Автор: bogomil Категория: Технологии   
Прочетен: 1140 Коментари: 1 Гласове:

Metallurgy-Metal Sckncc of Iron-lmscd Allovs and Ecology Dr. Ing. li. Kolcv Institute oi Metal Science. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sof i.i. Bulgaiia

Abstract Revising the previously obtained scientific material Irom the i".icsic e.ubon metallurgy together with the icmjMs Irom the nc-v : ..% n.wlalltiigy - with volatile elements is made an attempt lo "i^"no::: t:ate ihe dialectic link in some quality changes rcali/.cd in non-Ii ing mailer !e alloys and in organisms, based on some general rules and characteristics in Die introduction phenomenon of oik and the same hioelemenls phases of introduction". 1. Introduction Earlier the metal science inctalHirgic forms/ arc presented firstly as model medial form ol movement ol the matter. l>etvcen the fundamental-philosophical giants Chemistry and Geology /Cosmogony/ /I-6/. An attempt to look lor dialectic link e.g. reciprocally determined processes during the long-term evolution ol the matter, comparing the prebiological Ibrius /Fc alloys" and biological /organisms/ is made. It can Ik; answered to actual and priority questions from the Universe genesis to the biogenesis, psycho and nnndgenesis and to make a piogtaminc to resolve many Global problems, including the ecological ones ."1-3/. Is demonstrated /I. 4-6/ that lirsl in the Genesis ap|>c;ired 112 progenitor of all chemical elements, ol the mailer and the energy, possibly of the life too. Allcr it appealed the other bioelenicnts - C, O. N, 1", S... Since 1981/87/ - 1990 there is not information"on these problems in the literature. Particularly on the approach and method lor analysis, on the results, interpretations, conclusions" /1-3/. A guarantee for such approach is not only the dialectic and the positive position and critics of some Bulgarian scientists during the [>c"riod 1981/87/ -1988. but the confirmations of authors hypothesis given later, contributions published till 19X7 - 1990 /l-.V. Particularly important ;ire the evidences of llubhell /7-i I/. A true confirmation in ,"7-8. 11/. flic scientific material of the author presented in National Oncology Center ,"1987-88/ gave stimulus for publishing of ,12/. 2. Preconditions Mid medium for resolving of the problem In this paper an attempt is made to give in general the previous works of the author, looking lor the structural link between processes and phenomena in the "introduction" of the same bioelenients in the non-livmg matter /Fc alloys/and in the organisms and on the base of it lo argue a classification of the mutagenes and cancer-provoking agents Irom the environment air. water, soil, food", as well as lo pio|K>se new directions lor industrial development that assuie full caption of the dangerous powder-gas emission /l"GE/.   The problem is observed by comparison of more than 60 characteristics and their manifestations in both forms /2-3, 5-6, 13-15/. liiis approach gives permission to make an argued answer not only for the historical evolutive transition "abiotic-biotic" synthesis but on the base of results in the Matter science /13-15/ cither to make prognosis on the structural and functional dependence with some regularities in the organisms /2-3, 5-6/. lor example like delects in the structure of the metal sonic regularities cells grains//2-6, 13-1 5/ it was predicted in II!, that m the genetic , cither of the living cell have to be defects in the structure and it is confirmed later "11/. Arc confirmed other characteristics too by 12-3, 5-6". some of them on the level of atoms and ions - in the organisms. New ones arc expected. This demonstrates that by the Methods of Matter science can Ik explained not only insolved processes and phenomena in more superior forms - Geology /Cosmogony", Biology. Sociology, but make cllectivc programmes for action, control and management of many processes ,"1-6, 15/.
Is demonstrated that this phenomenon is manifested by similar schemes and mechanisms: introduction, accumulation, creation ol tensions, in determined conditions, solid phase oi biochemical reactions, based on the dilfusion and metabolism, structural changes, structures etc. Aspiration lor equilibrium with the Nature. Classification of mutagenic and cancer-provoking agents is done. 3. Results resumed and discussions "llie Fc alloys in their enormous diversity contain lite same chemical elements which ones arc the main the living cell /matter/ - Table 1.2. flic main structural units: organisms -cells, alloys of Fc - metal grains /cells," (Fig. 1.2). 2.Cells structures of great importance - organisms - DNA, RNA, proteins etc. fig. 3, Fc alloys - type of the crystal lattice -BCCL. 1"CCL. 3. Localisation ofthe basic elements C, II. N. O: Fc alloys - atoms ol "introduction" in BCCl,, 1"CCL /typical DNA, UNA/, molecules - "phases of introduction" in the grain /cells", creating saturation, over saturation, tensions and metaslable state ofthe cell, increasing the internal energy /I"/, preconditions lor increasing of entropy ,"S/. Organisms: "atoms". "ions" - in the polypcptide and polynucleotide chains of the graphic /molecular/ stiuctiucs - proteins, DNA. RNA, typical structures /phases" of introductions in cavities, existing in the maciomoleculc /cell/ itself. These structures can divide and unite according to determined plan, which is, according lo the hypothesis, can be damaged during the accumulation of soi. -elements /structures/ ,"2.3/. "lliere are not exepted presaturation, creation of tensions and processes like these in the Fc, based on biochemical reactions, developing spontaneous mutations /genie, chromosomal, genomie/ damages, appearing under the action of mutagenic and cancer-provoking agents, "errors" in the replication of DNA ,"2-3. 121. In the living cell are realised all living processes - metabolism as well as in llie metal grains /cells, clusters/ arc realised basic physical and chemical /solid phase/ reactions, based on the dilllision "2-3, 13-15/. If in the alloys /materials." all diseases /processes/ arc looked for in action ofthe (actors, that determine them /composition, T°C, pressure/. In the Lailh conditions the most important arc the chemical and structural compositions. Possibly in the organisms the diseases /processes/ have lo be looked for in the factors lliat determine them - chemical and structural composition /fable 1. II. Alloys in comparison with organisms exist in larger scale ofthe changes T"C and P. In the evolution curve (lie first one has been appeared earlier than the second /I. 4-6/. This determines some particularities in the qualitative    and    quantitative   changes.    Basic    processes    -mechanisms: in the Fe alloys - difusion, in the organisms -(Illusion /osmosis/. During the processes /aging, desintcgration, excretion   and   Itanslbimatioa"independeiitly   that   inside   the grains of the alloys lakes part liausformation of the chemical elements /atoms/, thus (he conimom chemical composition ofthe cell /grains" does nol change. Possibly this is valid for llie liquid phase - the clusters. The changes arc on a lower level BCCL. FCCL /typical DNA and RNA. proteins/. Appear new phases /structures/ with (lie same or different parameters ofthe lattices /characteristics/ Irom the basic ones.   Does not change the biological cell - the composition /structures/, including during diseases - malignant cancer. Ilic basic changes are in the DNA structures. In the metal as in the biological during spontaneous processes structural - nutritive material and energy by the cells is used 3, 13-15/. flic process can continue till complete using of the start /basic/ cells. The metal giains /cells/ have their own composition and structures, lhat are not different from these of the   monolithic   mactobody as the   living cells have   their composition and structures that arc not dillcrcnt from these of
the organism /Table 1,2/. Wilh the time, of course, /Uic most important factor in Uic Genesis in general/ both have determined changes in the chemical and structural eoinpo3ition/l-3, 4-6, 13-15/. The hemoglobin stmeUiie as chemical composition in like that of the alloys from the system Fe-C-N /possibly with additional elements/, Fig. 4 12, 3, 13-15/. Hie analysis in 11-6, 13-15/ demonstrates that in the cxeisting Earth conditions the kinetics factors arc the most important, determining the processes and phenomena in Ihc composition and structures -particularly in the organisms. "Ihis is valid for the frames of a life as well as for the populations adcr the historical Biogenesis /I-67. T°C and V for the liaith conditions /natural/ arc less important but we have not to ignore them. As a contribution in /I, 4-6/ arc pointed Ihc general physical and chemical - fundamental-philosophical "gasiug - degasning" reactions in the Gcnfcsis. These ore reactions in the abiogenic and biogenic synthesis having curistic, prognostic, predictive importance. 11ms in the "biological engine" have to be realised "gasing-degasing" /oxidation-reduction/ processes like in the general reactions shown: a. Gasing /oxidation by O2":
xR+yS = R,Sy + Q                         (1)
where: R - reagents /Li, Na, K, Ca, Mg. etc./ - basic biogenic, but Mn, Cu, Zn and others: by the affinity and tendency to gasing /oxidation/. S - gases /O2. 1I2, Nj, CI2, F2,/ basic biogenic, complex: COj /CO/, N,O,, I1C1, SO2, NHj, Cnllin^ etc., including composing like mutagenic and cancer-provoking agents. Role of tlie inert, in Hie kinetics, transport nnd ninss-c.vchnnging /IS/. "11k; more inert to be Me, Ar etc they could not have no influence even not basic. RxSj- simple and complex products from Uic gasing - including carboxihcmoglobin in Uic organisms, tliat cannot transport O2... /3/. b. Degasing /reduction/ - rcduetor "C" - basic clement in Uic organism and in Uic Fc
alloys, wit]] aromatic graphic structure /in graphite/ /2-3, 14-
RxSy + kC = xR + CkS, - Q                             (2) - other rcductors /Me/ - catalysers /enzymes/
RxSj I kMe = xR i MekS, - Q       (2a), McsR
where: CkS, includes basic elements /slniclures/ of the organic chemistry, proteins, DNA, RNA, respectively.   - Me^Sj - adds CkSj wilh additional elements in proteins, UNA,
RNA according to their quantity and affinity to "S" during Uie
metabolism, which can participate in1 reactions (2, 2a) wiUi "C",
MesR /including mutagencs and cancer-provoking agents.
Very typical are tlie helates /Fig. 2, elc. /2-3/. It is clear,
according to /I, 2/, tliat for tlie optimal /normal/ functioning of
Uie   biological   engine   /cell/   long   time   is   necessary   the
stecbiomeu ie /Table 1/ and stiuelural composition /"fable 2/ to
be strong qualitative and quantitative relation, possible the same
as in tlie creation in historical asi>ect, like according to the
external conditions of Uie biogenesis in that time T-6, 15/. There
are not excqrted artificial benefits in Uie future 11-6, 15/. In Uie
biociiemical reactions (1), (2) mote Umn Uie action of Uie air,
water, soil, nutrition, T°C, P, different emissions are included
/eajlli ajul cosmic/ and particularly many mulagenes and cancer-
provoking agents in llie environment: from Uie type CSy, RXS7
respectively Me^Sy /3, 15, 12/. Ifanalysis is applied of(I),(2) it
is easy to registrar how can be realised in distuihanee of normal
conditions like Uie variants given: i/ presence of "R" in Uie
organism over than "S"; ii/ presence of determined "R"over Uian
other "R"Vrest/; iii/ presence of "S" over Uian "R"; iv/more of
determined "S" over "R"; v/ excess of determined "S" over (lie
rest of "S" iii iiu-uOk.-ietn.-v. Vaiiants. with influence e expected non-typical cell division, action on Uic DNA-dcfects replication, reparation.../3, 12/. "ihis creates dangcis o! cancer. From (1) and (2) it is seem the autocatalysis of Uie main processes during hunger and "c.-*;csa" of "R" artd "S". Polymeric molecules of myoglobin and hemoglobin surround the giuups "hem" located inside, where arc attached Uic "accumulated" thus used molecules "S" /O2/and 1I2O. The group "hem", Hemoglobin respectively are similar    to    alloys    in    the    system    Fe-C-N-R.    In    the licmoclrromogcncs   one   molecule   organic   base       can   be substituted by one molecule CO, Kh etc.   /2-3,   l.V.   "Hie cooidinatc vclaicics in hemochromogeucs are saturated wilh nitrogen bases /protein/. One nitrogen base can lie substituted by O2.    and    oxihemoglobin    is    obtained,    or    wiUi    CO    -carboxihcmoglobin. Hie hemoglobin conducts Oj from the lung to Uie cells and CO2from the cells tolhe lung. The data known ■that during Uic   inhaling of "S" /Oj + N2 + .../ reaction (1) of transformation of C into CO2 directly or indirectly /reaction 3/ is possible from the mctatlurgic point of view, accumulation of C /CO/    and    formation    of   Uie    dangerous    for    transpon tvuboxihacinogU"bm. More by inhaling. CO in the organism can Ik obtained by many vin-rcaelit>iis - reaction (3) /example wilh glucose/. C«H,jO6 t Oj ---6C(>2 I611.-O ! Q/ATl"-cnctgy/
(3) Gaicrally |H>ssible lor CCJ: CO2+C = 2CO, (3a) CO2 f R » RO + CO, RsMc. ]>aiticipales 12O. (3b)   It is not excluded muUigcncs and eancer-ptovokiug agents from Uie environment /air, water, /drinks/, food, l*OE to have illlhicnce on Uie oxidntion-ieduction processes in 1, 2, 3 and to realise a disbalance after Table 1,2, p.uticularly in Table 2. A!! kind of quantitative accumulations provoke cjualitalive clu-uigcs. In alloys are obtained new phases, characteristics and propel ties change, hi Uie organism "- aging, genetic changes. malignant formations /cancer/, Fig, 5. The aecumulalion creates tensions, relaxation of which provokes physical and chemical -solid phase reactions in the alloys: aging, desintegr.ition. excretion, lia/isfonn.ition. and in the oigauisms, [K"ssibly to biochemical reactions:diseases, aging, cancer, /AIDS", Fig. 5. In the alloys Uie structural processes begin on the energetical!) most suitable places - the structural defects /limits of grains. dislocations, defects in Uie order, vacancies, etc./13-!5/. There are located the biogenic" loo: C. N... lheic, according to the affinity to "11" /Cr, V, etc,/ is realised the inlciaction with C, N... /13-15/. Possibly on Uie biocells the processes start in such defect places 131, According to the hypothesis in the alloys cither in U»e organisms, Uie processes of nuilfoimalions start alier "deteiinined" period of incubation nnd develop ,il!ci fundamei 1 "hilosophical curve "1-3, 13-15/. In both fofi"ns Uk pioccsses ar. realised spontaneously wiUi nictast.ises while the prains or "!! use complttcly or partially Uie material in t ig. 3 /2, 13-15/.h. ooth cas>"- !he chemical coni|K>siiion of the".cclls does not change, and Uie malignant forms use mateiial fiom them. Hie changes are structural in llie lattices and the model of crystallization of alloys, genetic in the organisms. Of kilcresl is the spiral cryslnlli/ation in the alloys allcr sciew dislocation and spiral Mrueliiie ur"DN.V Iiif.:resliiig Ht .:..-.;■ ,;i .-.,-: ;" . Fig 2. Analysis U-.c < i"lien;i»;l>ibiri ai«i i- a!!f -. " . C-N-It, is neccssiuy i"or Uie chioioph) li and possibly RysJtm Ai^ C-N-R in alloys, heinoeiatiiue and system Cu-C-N-R in alloys,
including during alloying willi additional elements /in liquids or solids". Important thcnnodyiiainic ch."tiaclcrislic of each body is the entropy - in the micro and mauoworld .Uuiveisc.". II"the living "substance" /including the I"nivcisc" is a closed system, in it continuously could increase (he entropy "ex-cncigy/. This could ri-.-^-rc    such    changes    in    liic    chemical    and    structural characteristics /T.ihlc 1.2/ and functions, that could slop all hvins; possibilities. Something that happens dining the natural die - united with (ho equilibrium in the Nature in historical sense aller the Biogenesis and in the frames of one single life /.short-term". According to the mentioned above like alloys /possibly the > iiiveise ( /I-3/ allcr "bum" cither in the organisms, depending   on   tU ■ genetic   neicdifary   structures   is   realised accumulation c" si me elements /substances". Table 1,2. For living (existing; b    l alloys and organisms (thus the Universe) have systematically excrete the cnlropy accumulated in physie-ehemkal, solid-phase ajid biochemical reactions, based on the diffusion and metalKitisni /1-3. 13-15/. In the alloys the entropy accumulated by the form ol new phases, CNcrctiuns etc., docs not excrete, There is not such older system (primitive processes -decailx)ilalion,   denitration.   demanganation   etc.,   and   the opposite of them during the superficial   Uienn.il action. K"theic would i>e exekrion, tlie alloys would not be aging, not l>e desintcgrated.    not    Ikcoihc    fragile...    "13-15/.    Analogical processes ofsucklion and excretion in the Universe similarly in the organisms /1-2,   13-15/.   To live the organism have to exchange substances with the environment energy,    Iliis   is realised   by   the   metabolism,   process   appeared   absolutely regularly •during the evolution /I-6/. In this case in the non­living nature /alloys," there is not metabolism or there is only accumulation of entropy /F-U-TS/, it means that it is died /conditionally/ Logically if the accumulation in the organism is realised   witli   higher   velocity   thaji   the   excretion   there   is possibility to increase with dclcimined velocity the entropy, e.g. aging, exousting ."decreasing of U ajid F, to Kquilihrium /fusion/ with the Nature, charactcrisling in the Global time after the cvolutivtty   curve   /aflcr   the   biogenesis/   with   determined composition,   structures,   T"C,   1   emissions,   characteristics: atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil, respectively food that change. Either   the   physic-chemical   and   solid-phase   in   the   alloys ,TTnivcrsc/ and the biochemical reactions have the direction to equilibrium with the nature changing /1-6. 7-12. 13-15/. By the ■way of these processes appear earlier or   later cither the malignant formations /cancer/. AIDS. Thus, during its existence both alloys and organisms aic in the kinetic part of time in mclastable   state.   S   is   accumulated.   U   is   used.    Similar * expectation for the Universe cither. The longevity of the alloys, organisms. F.arih, Universe are determined and will be by the possibility of maintaining of the metaxtable state in the time /l-6. 13-15/.   The synthesis of proteins /biochemical reactions/ is realised by exactly addition to the necessary part of the structural elements of RNA, as well as realisation of the physic-chemical and solid phase reactions in (lie alloys, connected wilh aging, desintcgration. etc. /3, "1.1-15/. Analogical process in the Universe /I-6/. During the consecutive ordering of nitrogen bases the Genetic code is determined. In this sequence in alloys as well as in organisms and Universe can lie obtained mistakes, ."1-6, 13-15/. In each appear structural defects, possibly potential energetically base /place/ to begin physic-chemical, solid-phase and biochemical reactions provoking qualitative changes: aging, desiutcgration, malignant formations. I"art of the received by different via substances /including mutagenes and cancer-provoking agents /12/ are metabolised in the cell and used as material for formation of its structure, Table 2. As a result its grows up. Condition for its division are created /3/. Could be expected that during the accumulation of some elements could provoke alteration in the structure of the genetic structures and in the transmitted by RNA information as well during the synthesis of proteins 12-ii. "Hie metabolism disturbed could be
cieate conditions for non-typicid division ol the cell - cancer in the weakest place - lung, circulatory system, kidneys, large intestine etc. through the stomach... On the base of the hypothesis and particular analysis in .1-3, 4-6 12-15/ of the typical general "gasing-degasing" /oxidation-ieductioa/ processes with the participation of biogenic and other reagents with different allinity between them, ol the regularities in the biochemical, physic-chemical and sohd-phase reactions in HI is presented particular argued classification of mutagenes and cancer-provoking agents by basic and additional. This classification . firstly realised, is a contribution deleimined. I. Baste. Containing the basic bioelemeuts in the structure of the oiganisms aller the Table 1,2. 1 group. Gases. CO, CO2, Nil,, NXO,, C,,li:,,i- 2, Oj, SOi, 1IU, IlK.xtc. I group. Solid natural oiganic substances: and other organic substances. 3 group. Liquid natural - petroleum, oil and its pioduels, bciuspireu... A group. Artificially eiciited by the man oiganic substances: i/ polycyelic subsUuiecs-cnibohydralcs. ii/ aromatic   amines,    lii/    chloiated    caibohydiates    /pesticides, inseclicidcM,   fungicides,   hcibicidts    iv/   mtio/.osub.staticcs, v/alcohol and tobacco, phenol and ciesol substances, vi/olhcr organic substanceSTconipositicms of soil, water, drinks, plants, vegetables, animal ptoducLs. food... The piescuted in 1981-88 hypothesis points out the question. Why these chemical elements and substances. containing the basic bioelcnieiils, Jioni which the organism is composed, ctitcicd it by diMeient vja could loahse biochemical reactions, provoking malignant Iblillations /cancer/, aging, oljier diseases, dciuitutaliou of piotem.s /some/, possibly AIDS n^> long mutation. Is it by chance or is result of mentioned above links and in the stiucluies /composition/ and processes /mcehatiisu. •" in Uic substance /matter/!? I"- Adilitlil!!ili- I" "5 possible during the piocess of accumulation of some bioclcmcuts /for example C and N/ to be loMiied lice radicals /HO. IIOj, appearing in difibicnt oxidation reactions. They hae icactivity ;uid toxic action /3/. It is not excluded Uie additional mutagenes and cancer-provoking agents to stimulate the processes mentioned above or to participate in reactions /selective/ wilh the basic bioelemeuts from (he struetuies /Table2/ depending on the quantity and affinity between (hem, similarly to the alloys /3, 13-15/. I pump. Physical factors - electric-magnetic. X-ray, uv, ionising and other tyrx; of emissions with earth and cosmic origin /3, 12/. 2 group. Biogenic factors: disturbing of the functioning of different aulonomic systems /chronic, hormonal, psychic and hereditary diseases. The factors from the first and paiticulaily form the second group could provoke disturbances in the metabolism, to dcscquilibiium in fable 1,2-to hypothesis in /if. 3 group. Chemical elements uon-eontaining the basic bioelemeuts /C, O, 11, N/. inorganic. Genetic risk arc Cr, Ni, Cd, I"b. lie. Ug ami their compositions with biophyliic elements, participating in the composition of the basic biostructurcs: NiCl2, NiS, CaCrO4 /12", as well as their transformation in volatile oiganic substances. Could provoke dcnatuiatioii of the proteins, malignant formations. Could provoke transformations in the cell structures, chromosomal aberrations etc/3, 12/. Ni does not bond with DNA /composed by C, II, P, N../. Similar is its behavior in the alloys too /13-I5/. Cr. could connect with DNA /as in the alloys /12-15/ and provokes gene mutations /12/. Ni cold provoke ancuploidity f2f. All additional factors, according to the hypothesis in /3/ due to mentioned a!>ove general reactioiis and mechanisms, to detention and accumulation ofentropy. The aging provokes decreasing of oxitation processes /pee reactions 1-3/, to action on the genetics, to decreasing of the activity of enzymes, to irreversible processes in the protein Graclion, to processes of lransmineralisatioiu to mistakes in the code of DNA and RNA, to consecutuve accuinulatioii of inert molecules, to not fully oxited products
from the metabolism, applied to polymerisation in inert non-solublc substances /3/. All this iiom energetic point of view is increasing of entropy and allinnation of Hie hypothesis in HI. In /12/ are listed nmtagenes and cancer-provoking ngents, but it is not made causal relationship classiiicalion on the base of tlie mentioned here and in til hypothesis. Now in the century of scienlilic and technical revolution, when the Humanity is studied [lie most part of the inner earth and cosmic tcclmologies and is taken out on the surface of the Earth by the form of different industries, most in open air, the danger from strong disturbance of the Equilibrium in /the changing/ Nature is like catastrophe, arc created new non-typical conditions for the functioning of the organisms, conditions different from the coded during the Creation information /in DNA/. That is why the morbidity rate from different, including new diseases, and most of malignant formations /cancer/ arc regular /1-67. Decrease the age-limit /the time as limit factor/. According to til Hie AIDS is possibly result of long-term accumulations and mutations and disturbances of tlic balance in Table 1,2. Between the immune system and the malignant formations, between the cancer and AIDS there is a link. Such link there is in the alloys and the Universe /1-6, 13-15/. The alternated defense mechanisms of the organisms assure favorable possibilities for appearing of malignant formations. And tilts affirmation is connected with the mentioned above and the aging /2-3, 4-6/. It is difficult to lake out the "introduced" mutagencs or cancer-provoking agents or the entropy as a result under their iuilucncc/3/. In /15-16/ the author is made particularly tcclinologieal methodology, and arc showed by technical and technological schemes prognosis for the future development of the industrial machine building" /metallurgic, casting, founder"s, etc./ in ecological point of view, by the creation of conditions for full caption of the dangerous PGE and to assure harmony in the ecosystems of the Nature, including protection of the health of the organisms-Humans. 4. Conclusion On the base of comparing critical analysis, non presented in the literature, on the influence of the basic bioclcmcnts in the Fc alloys"and the organisms as a contribution are presented the related between them general "Gasing-dcgasing" /oxidation-reduction;" processes and is presented a hypothesis, according to wliich different processes and diseases /aging, malformations etc./ both in the alloys and organisms arc due to accumulation of some elements /structures/. As a result an attempt is made to classificatc of mutagenes and cancer-provoking agents in basic and additional. Fignrcs


1. bogomil - нови доказателства относно изказани по-рано хипотези на д-р инж. Богомил Великов Колев
04.08.2011 19:18
Уважаеми читатели,

Уважаеми читатели,

През последните дни на месец юли и първите дни на месец август 2011 г. средствата за масова информация съобщиха за експериментално откритие на кислород във Вселената.(малко по рано и на аминокиселини)

Този експериментален факт оповестяващ откритието на кислород във Вселената е в пълно съответствие с хипотезите на автора, свързани с разглеждане от позицията на Материалознанието на процесите и явленията, след 'Големия взрив" , формирането на Вселената, респ. на планетите (Земята), произхода на живота от земен тип и редица други,. като резултат на влиянието на трите основни фактора определящи процесите и явленията във веществото; химически състав, температура и налягане.
Известно е, че в процеса на охлаждане след "Големия взрив" , т.е следствие на понижението на температурата и налягането и разширението на първоначалната Вселена (под разликата в наляганията според хипотезата) елементарните частици( електрони, позитрони , неутрони, фотони, неутрино) оформящи лъченето, което все още е преобладаващо над веществото, се превръщат в енергия. ..

От науката материалознание е известно,, че охлаждането на една материална система (особено при преминаване от едно агрегатно състояние в другго ( плазмено, газообразно, течно, твърдо) е свързано с отделяне на вещество и енергия, което също може да влияе на разширението на Вселената и формиращите се космически обекти-планети.. Известно е, че при температура около 300 милиона градуса по Келвин ядрените реакции спират. Създават се условия за раждане на първия химически елемент-водород . След него се създават условия за раждането на другите химмически елементи , между които са и биогенните , кислород, въглерод, азот, флор, хлор , натрий, калии и др., Безспорно най-голям дял в строежа на Вселената има водородът . Установено е, че днес Вселената съдържа около 75% Водород, останалото е хелии й други елементи . Говори се за водородна универсалност на Вселената. Достига се до извода, че водородът се оказва прародител на всички химически елементи, на формиращото се вещество и енергия и според хипотезата вероятно и на живота .Химическият състав на междузвездния газ е подобен на състава на външния слой на звездите . Това са атомите на водорода , хелия ,молекули на съединения на въглерода и водорода, въглерода и азота , кислорода, на метали и т.н. Съгласно хипотезата и натрупаното ознание от металургичните науки в процеса на формиране на Земята една част от наличния кислород (в стопилката, магмата и атмосферара над нея) най-вероятно се е консумирала при рачзличнитте реакции, свързани с процесите на окисление,, т.е с формирането на прости и сложни геоформи; окиси, силикати, шпинели карбонати ,и други минерали, друга част е останала в атмосферата подържаща определено равновесие в газовата и течна фаза. Част от наличния кислород вероятно около 1000 градуса по Целзий ( в зависимост от катализатори, температура, налягане) се е свързала с водорода под формата на водни пари (над тази температура във все още течната Земя и непосредствено над нея водата е разложена на водород и кислород). Така че съгласно хипотезата кислородът на Земята не се е формирал само като следствие на фотосинтезата след появата на растенияпта. Той е съществувал още преди формирането и кристализацията, респ. преди появата на растенията. От това следва да се очаква, че кислородът е разпространен във Вселената много мпреди формирането на планетите, звездите.,..разглеждайки последователно на процесите на раждане на химическите елементи при охлаждането на Вселената след ' Големия взрив).. Съобщенията в средствата за масова информация тия дни за открития кислород във Вселената потвърждава това изказано много по-рано предположение в хипотезата / подробностите на изказаната хипотеза са дадени в монографията на автора "Материалознание и глобални проблеми" , изд. БПС(Авангард)„ София 2003 и в съответните публикувани научни трудове показани в нея, у нас и в чужбина

Материалите с убедителни научни аргументи бяха прердставени на редица наши научни институти преди тяхното публикуване в периода 1988-90г(ИМ-БАН, ЦУ-БАН, ВМГИ и ВХТИ- София, Философски инститиут на БАн, МОН по договор на автора, ИНРА и др.). Те бяха докладвани и публикувани в сборници от доклади на международни научни конференции у нас и в чужбина в периода 1990-2000г. ,обобщени в монографията на автора Богомил Великов Колев "Материалознание и глобални проблеми", изд. БПС (Авангард), София, 2003 г.

Тази ммонография е предадена на Президента в Президенството на Република България, на МОН, ЦУ-БАН, Министерски съвет, Министерството на Околната среда и водите,. Намира се и в библиотеката на Народното събрание на република България. Може да се намери и в Народната Библиотека " Кирил и Методи"-София, Централна научнотехническа библиотека София, По-големите библиотеки в страната. Материалите са популяризирани в Интернет(www,bogomil.blog.bg., респ. във Facebook, www..nautchnitrudove.blog.bg. , www.vestnitcibogomil.blog.bg. , www.bg.netlog.com/b_v_kolev) , в списание "Вселена, наука и техника", бр.6,7, 1/2008, бр.1,2/2009, списание " Bиология, екология , биотехнология бр.5-6/2009 и др.

Този факт наред с други експериментални доказателства (открити аминокиселини в Космоса, огромни газоиви мехури на Слънцето и др.) доказват някои хипотетично изказани по рано твърдения, които имат сериозен научен принос от интерес на страната и света..Това показва, че много от твърденията вече имат значимост на теория., която може да даде тласък за развитието на много науки свързано с познанието, с абсолютната и относителна истина

с уважение авторът д-р инж. Богомил Великов Колев

4 август 2011 г, София

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